Our Team
Johnson Ip
Work Experience
Johnson Ip is a physiotherapist emphasizing ‘one on one’ treatment approach for patients. He studied in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and experienced overseas placement in University of Illinois Chicago. After graduation, he started practicing as a physiotherapist in major public hospitals, where he gained valuable exposure to pediatric, orthopedic, geriatric, cardiopulmonary and neurological conditions in both out-patient and in-patient settings.
Searching for the answer for patients to fix their problem, Johnson went through a whole series of training. Some of the highlight included the journey to pursue acupuncture diploma. He found the traditional medicine, when combining the western dry needling technique, could be more effective to tackle muscle tightness and nerve problem. With particular interest in manual therapy, he later finished his master program of Manipulative Physiotherapy, in which he was equipped with different joint mobilization skills to help patients with joint dysfunctions. In view of more focus on fascia-related research recently in medical industry, Johnson deepened his fascia release techniques in the Fascial Manipulation course, and thereby helping patients to restore normal muscle performance.
Sport rehabilitaion
As a sports lover who is fond of basketball and kayak, helping athletes has always been a wonderful mission. Johnson involved in various of on-field sports events like marathons and trail running competitions. In order to efficiently assist players with sports injuries in their rehabilitation pathway, he started to investigate more in movement behavior of human body and eventually obtained inspiring thoughts from the Clinical Pilates course and the Kinesio Taping course.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
-Certified Clinical Pilates Instructor
-Certified Fascial Manipulation Practitioner
-Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner
-Certificate in Long's bone-setting manipulations
Ivan Chu
Ivan Chu is a registered physiotherapist in Hong Kong, who obtained his Bachelor degree in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University majoring in Physiotherapy. During his study period, he has been working in major hospitals in Hong Kong, and also Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, where has inspired him to devote himself to the musculoskeletal area of practice. Ivan believes in tailor-made treatment. There’s no ‘the best’ treatment but most suitable for every individual. His treatment approach includes electrotherapy, manual therapy, myofascial release massage, exercise rehabilitation and also workplace ergonomics modificatication. He is also a certified dry needling practitioner.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
Cassidy Wong
Cassidy is graduated from HKPolyU and has worked in public hospital and chained private clinic for several years. During his previous working time, he developed interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and pain management. He believed that good communication and detailed assessment is vital for successful rehabilitation so he insisted on ‘1 on 1’ treatment after leaving his previous working place.
Cassidy completed his master degree in manipulative physiotherapy in HK PolyU and Diploma in acupuncture. Cassidy has special interest in manipulative physiotherapy. Other than his master degree, he has completed Certificate in fascial manipulation and courses of anatomy trains.
Cassidy also believe in exercise therapy can help to reduce chances of reoccurrence of injury. He studied neurokinetic therapy, postural restoration institute techniques. He is also a certified Schroth Best Practice Instructor which targeted scoliosis people.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
-Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner
-Certified Schroth Best Practice Instructor
Janice Ip
葉小姐對手法治療有濃厚興趣,除了攻讀物理治療手法治療碩士外,進修了多個有關手法治療課程包括澳洲Manual Concept骨科手法證書、Manual Concept脊椎手法證書、意大利筋肌膜舒整手法證書及肌肉能量手法證書。
Janice is a registered physiotherapist (HK). She had her undergraduate training at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After her graduation, she has lots of experience in working at public hospital, NGO, and private settings, where she has consolidated her passion in physiotherapy and developed her expertise in pain management, sport rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation.
Janice has always valued patients’ needs and tailor-made the most suitable treatment plan to each patient through comprehensive assessment and good communication. Also, she loves to empower patients with self-management so they can keep helping themselves and getting lifelong benefits.
Janice has a special interest in manual therapies and exercise therapies. She equipped herself with a Master degree in Manipulative Physiotherapy. Apart from that, she went through lots of training locally and oversea, including Certificate in orthopeadic manual therapy and Certificate in spinal manual therapy by Manual Concept (Australia), Certificate in fascial manipulation, Certificate in muscle energy techniques and Certificate in Clinical Pilates.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
Joe Chan
Joe Chan is graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After graduation, he has worked in public hospital and private clinic for years, where he has gained extensive clinical experience in serving patients with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders, post-operative conditions and chronic pain.
During his practice, Joe has come across many sports enthusiasts who are forced to give up their interests due to own injuries. Therefore, he completed his master degree in sports medicine in CUHK with a view to using the knowledge to give better injury prevention and evidence-based practice trainings to his clients. To further put injury prevention into practice, he also provided on-field physiotherapy service for a local rugby team.
Apart from exercise therapy, Joe also studied various manual therpy courses, incluing neurokinetic therapy and Certificate in fascial manipulation. He is also a certified Schroth Best Practice Instructor which targeted scoliosis people. Together with his Modern Acupuncture techniques, Joe aims to provide a more holistic rehabiliation program to his clients.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Sports Medicine & Health Science (CUHK, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
-Certified Schroth Best Practice Instructor
Stephanie Lai
她對骨骼系統痛症及運動治療特別感興趣,故畢業後一直進修有關課程,包括:針灸、整脊手法治療、肌内效貼布(Kinesio Taping)與及澳洲臨床普拉提(dma Clinical Pilates)課程等等,並其後成功取得現代針灸學文憑及相關證書。此外,她更修畢了香港中文大學運動醫學及健康科學理學碩士課程,致力為大眾提供全面及個人化的運動創傷復康訓練。
Stephanie Lai is a registered physiotherapist graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. After graduation, she has worked in public hospital (United Christian Hospital), the Hong Kong Rehabilitation Society and private physiotherapy clinics, mostly within out-patient settings, where she has gained profound/ extensive clinical experience in serving patients with a variety of conditions including work-related musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain cases, post-operative rehabilitation, and sports injuries.
Stephanie is passionate about working with people with musculoskeletal problems and sports injuries, hence, she has further equipped herself by completing courses including: Diploma course in Modern Acupuncture, Certificate course in Spinal Manipulation, Osteopathic Spinal Manipulation (OMT), Kinesio taping, DMA Clinical Pilates. She also holds a master’s degree in Sports Medicine and Health Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aimed at providing holistic & individualized rehabilitation for her patients.
Stephanie is also enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge in pain management & exercises with the public. She has been the guest lecturer for the Elderly Fitness Instructor course held by the Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong (PFA), and has been interviewed by different media, including: Sportsoho magazine, cancerinformation.com etc.

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-MSc in Sports Medicine & Health Science (CUHK, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)
Johnny Chui
Johnny Chui is a registered physiotherapist graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has worked for various rehabilitation settings and private physiotherapy clinic for years and become a Physiotherapist I. He is competent at dealing with pain management, sports injury, stroke rehabilitation and providing outreach physiotherapy service and staff training program. His service target is ranging from the general public to the elderly as well as stroke patients or even people with special needs.
Johnny Chui is very interested in pain management and human biomechanics, thereby immersing himself to continuous education. He is capable of practicing acupuncture, Pilates exercise, manipulation, IASTM fascia blade, radiofrequency therapy, kinesio and rigid tape, antenatal and postnatal exercise, fitball exercise and other sport and manual therapies, tailor-made insoles, etc to maximize the
rehabilitation progress of his clients.
In addition, Johnny Chui emphasizes that pain relief is one of the treatment goals, but injury prevention plays a more crucial role to complete the whole picture of rehabilitation. Therefore, Johnny Chui prefers to explain client’s physical conditions in detail to motivate his client to get involved in his treatment with confidence and enjoy the journey of his rehabilitation!

-Registered Physiotherapy (HK)
-BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy (PolyU, HK)
-Diploma in Acupuncture (HKPA)